Breaking News!!!
The NWS at Castleton will open for bookings on 22 April 2024 at 8pm.
Updated: 21st April 2024
Booking onto Castleton
To book onto Castleton, please click the link below to complete the electronic form, then click the Submit button. Submit the form for each person.
Castleton Booking Form Click [HERE]
Bookings will open on 22nd April 2024 at 8pm
If you are baptised, then please also complete the Help Form.
(The link for this will be sent out separately, once you have filled in the booking form.)
Payment Instructions (by cheque or through online banking):
Deposit: please see home page for details
Cheques: Please make payable to ‘Northern Winter Study’
Online payment: (Please ensure you put your surname as reference)
Bank details: Sort Code 40 23 12
Account No. 51532340
Account Name ‘Northern Winter Study’
If paying by cheque please send to:
Gab & Carolyn Bauer
34 Lime Grove
B26 1BP
NOTE: Completing the above form does not guarantee you a place at Castleton. We still need to look at overall numbers and how people and families will fit into the rooms available at the Youth Hostel. We will confirm your place as soon as possible.
Below you will find further information about some of the jobs that you can volunteer for at Castleton. This will help you to decide which jobs you are willing to help with when you complete the above Help Form.
Guidelines for AV Coordinator
- To arrive a little earlier (by arrangement with the committee) in order to set up the AV system in the main hall and relay to conservatory.
- To be on hand throughout the sessions to monitor the amplification etc. and make adjustments as necessary.
- To help with any special AV needs which may be requested for the Family Evening.
- To, if possible, assist in packing up the equipment.
Guidelines for Cakes Monitor
- Please be responsible for plating up/putting out cakes and biscuits in time for morning coffee break, any afternoon drinks breaks and for evening drinks.
- Cakes will be stored in boxes in the Burbage Dining Room and a few will need to be put out on the adjacent trolley for each session.
- Please use all the homemade cakes up first.
- Ensure a pile of serviettes is readily available.
- Please put the cakes back into tins or cover with cling film etc at the end of each break.
Wipe up crumbs and keep the area clean.
Guidelines for Children’s Classes and Creche
- As the make-up of attendees will be different each year, the size and age profile of each class is difficult to quantify. This will involve missing one study session.
- Children’s Classes. To teach one lesson (to be advised by the committee) of the age group of your choice. Any cost of materials will be reimbursed.
- Creche. To be part of a team to help look after pre-school age children for one session.
Guidelines for Children’s Presentation
- To prepare and organise a short play or presentation or song etc for one age group of children (as advised by the committee).
- To run 2 practice sessions each approximately 1 hour.
- To ‘perform’ at the Family Evening.
Guidelines for Choir Leader
- To select and bring copies of a few hymns or ‘Christadelphian-type’ songs (generally 3).
- Please be mindful to reflect our core beliefs and the sensitivities of all brothers and sisters.
- To organize an ‘ad-hoc choir’ with 2 practice sessions each approximately 1 hour.
- To ‘perform’ the pieces at the Family Evening (to the praise of our Heavenly Father).
Guidelines for Crafts
- To run a craft session of your choosing for either adults or children.
- Please specify on the Help Form which craft and whether for adults or children, so that any we can avoid any duplication.
- All costs of materials will be reimbursed.
- Please note that for the children’s craft session this may involve missing one study session or be held during free time.
Guidelines for Dining Room Supervisor – Ashton
- Please ensure that the dining room always has the following available:
- Cutlery
- Serviettes
- Paper plates:
- Strong, large for dinners
- Thinner, ‘paper’ plates for breakfast
- Small plates may be used as required
- Bowls
- Paper cups (large and small)
- Plastic Teaspoons
- Coffee
- Tea
- Milk
- Sugar
- Rubbish bins
- The Breakfast Team will set both dining rooms for breakfast, but thereafter please ensure the tables are set for lunch and dinner and include:
- Water jug and plastic beakers on each table
- Juice cartons (if used)
- Salt & Pepper
- Hand Sanitizers should be available and used on entering the Dining Room.
- Please fill the two large flasks with boiling water and take to the dining room in readiness for lunch and dinner drinks.
- Ensure Serving Team is ready (refer to rota on wall, if needed).
- Encourage everyone to sit down after using hand gel on entry and when servers are in place, call the ‘Washing-up Team’ first and then tables one at a time.
- Check/help the dishwashing team to wipe tables at the end of each meal and ensure the room is left clean & tidy for the next meal.
- Sweep floors if necessary.
Guidelines for Dining Room Supervisor – Burbage
- Please ensure that the dining room always has the following available:
- Cutlery
- Serviettes
- Paper plates:
- Strong, large for dinners
- Thinner, ‘paper’ plates for breakfast
- Small plates may be used as required
- Bowls
- The Breakfast Team will set both dining rooms for breakfast, but thereafter please ensure the tables are set for lunch and dinner and include:
- Water jug and plastic beakers
- Juice cartons (if used)
- Salt & Pepper
- Hand Sanitizers
- Check and refill the juice containers.
- Ensure Serving Team is ready (refer to rota on wall, if needed).
- Encourage everyone to sit down to avoid congestion in the corridor and remind everyone to use the hand gels. When servers are in place, call the ‘Washing-up Team’ first and then tables one at a time.
- Check/help the dishwashing team to wipe tables at the end of each meal and ensure the room is left clean & tidy for the next meal.
- Sweep floors if necessary.
- Please note that as the Hot Drinks Station will be serviced as a separate job there will be no need to include this in your role.
Guidelines for Hot Drinks Station Supervisor
- The Hot Drinks Station in the Burbage Dining Room needs to be continually monitored as it is constantly in use, but particularly at morning, afternoon and evening drinks breaks. Please regularly check that the area is kept clean & tidy, and has a supply of the following:
- Water
- Milk
- Coffee
- Tea
- Other tea bags (eg fruit, peppermint, Earl Grey)
- Sugar
- Tea spoons
- Paper cups (large and small)
- Lids for cups
- Hot chocolate – to be put out for the evenings only
- Please check on rubbish and empty the bin when necessary.
- Check and empty drip tray of water heater when full.
Guidelines for Hostel Supervision
- To ‘patrol’ the hostel at bedtime (11.00pm / 12.00pm final night).
- To ensure that noise is kept to a minimum.
- To ensure all in bed, lights off, doors locked etc.
- In the event of any difficulty to contact a member of the Committee to help resolve any problem.
Guidelines for Meal Preparation Kitchen Assistant
- To help prepare and cook one meal in a team under the guidance of a ‘lead chef.’
- This may involve missing all or part of one study session.
Guidelines for Meal Preparation Lead
- To lead a team to cook one meal.
- Menu and food all arranged and provided by the committee.
- The menu is carefully chosen to ensure that meal preparation is as easy as possible and work is kept to a minimum.
- This may involve missing all or part of one study session or another activity.